Welcome! This blog site is dedicated to your summer printmaking course, "A Sense of Place." Here you will find the syllabus, online printmaking resources, links, and documentation throughout the course.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
It Came to Me in a Dream
The Tibetan Bowls have a hold on me and they won't let go! I dreamt this last night: There was the bluest water with coppery bowls floating on top of it and a beautiful sound that reached the sky in bright yellow circular motions. The entire image was framed by black arches. I scribbled into a notebook as soon as I woke up so that I wouldn't forget about it before I had the chance to create it on paper. I used pastiboard, corrugated cardboard, masking tape, whinzy white paper (from my fav art supply store in St. Pete),BKF Reeves paper, water soluble block-printing ink, Gamblin black relief ink. I felt the first image didn't have enough black ink, so on the second image I didn't wipe away as much of the ink. The result was too much black ink. The final print is really just a ghost from the second image, but I like it the best. I've learned that
it's really hard to get the image you want without the use of a press and that it's also easier to work as a team. I'm saving the plate. If I ever get the opportunity to use a press I will pull this print again and hopefully get closer to the desired effect I want.
sandra, the sixth sense
Time is the sixth sense in my world
I made a book from all the materials given to us before I hit the wilderness trail at Big Fork East in the Pisgah National Forest. Carrying a few mark makers and a small cup for water was a big deal as I am ridiculously weight conscious while carrying my life on my back. I drew and painted everyday usually two to three times on breaks while hiking alone with my dog. The element of time presents itself in a unique way while living in isolation in the end it is all I really have. The soul of the mountain foot path is a map of this journey which thankfully has no end. I took pictures of the work as I could with my phone when the signal permitted, I then emailed them to my husband and son who together facilitated their posting on the blog. I will continue this book on my next hike in early September in the foothills of western Conneticuit. For now I stand in awe of this incredible time gone by which began in the UF printmaking studio surrounded by the kindered spirits of my amazing collegues. Thank you all for being here and there. Happy Trails To You!
Ricks sense of sound
I have several variations of this print. After playing the tibetian bowls I was inspired to represent sound and the movement that comes from and is produced by sound. The moving of the wind and space is something extraordinary, and capturing it is something I have wanted to do for some time now. Balancing the visual elements and the theoretical elements in the piece is key to making a successful piece of art. I feel I have a good balance, and the composition and visual elements make the piece successful. Color, composition, line quality and movement all play vital roles in my "sense of sound" piece.
ricks sense of sight
I wanted to use the improvisational tactics in "the creative habit" while creating this piece. I used the basis of our outside trip in the foundation of this drawing, but when I created It, I let intuition take over. The Mylar was doing some incredible stuff, and producing these illustrious lines that were biological in a sense and almost life-like. I feel this print represents the sense of sight, and almost looks like you are seeing this under a microscope. Its has several key elements of the principles of design, and has great contrast and movement, as well as line quality.
ricks six sense
Here is a triptych of my sixth sense. I wanted to produce something with a sense of emotion and thought. Bringing the idea of conceptualism and insight into the realm of visual culture is one of my goals in my artwork. I feel the idea of the print came through, and I have utilized color to represent this dream state, or improvisational state of mind. I tried to convey the sixth sense by someone trying to tap into the astral plain or spirit world. Bringing something into the realm of reality out of thin air, and I feel the almost watercolor/stain glass treatment of the colors brings the sixth sense to the foreground. With light playing a vital role in the piece I feel it brings thought into the mix. The piece relies heavily on the use of color and the textures that create lines and movement throughout the piece.
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