I made a book from all the materials given to us before I hit the wilderness trail at Big Fork East in the Pisgah National Forest. Carrying a few mark makers and a small cup for water was a big deal as I am ridiculously weight conscious while carrying my life on my back. I drew and painted everyday usually two to three times on breaks while hiking alone with my dog. The element of time presents itself in a unique way while living in isolation in the end it is all I really have. The soul of the mountain foot path is a map of this journey which thankfully has no end. I took pictures of the work as I could with my phone when the signal permitted, I then emailed them to my husband and son who together facilitated their posting on the blog. I will continue this book on my next hike in early September in the foothills of western Conneticuit. For now I stand in awe of this incredible time gone by which began in the UF printmaking studio surrounded by the kindered spirits of my amazing collegues. Thank you all for being here and there. Happy Trails To You!
Looks like your time in the mountains was very productive!