I used plasti-board, BKF Reeves paper, masking tape, and water-soluble block printing ink. I used a large metal spoon to burnish the image onto the paper. On the first print (the bottom one) I wiped away a lot of the ink and it was difficult to get the image onto the paper (even after going over it with a brayer after I used the spoons), but I am happy with the subtleness and variations of black. Wondering how the image would look if I didn't wipe so much ink off the plate led me to create the second image (the one on the top). I think this image has a bit more depth. I would like to see how much different they would look if they went through the press. I wanted these prints to be representational of all that I felt during the printmaking class. My thoughts were mostly focused on the vibration and peaceful feeling from the Tibetan bowls, and the feeling of accomplishment and endless possibilities I felt on Saturday. What I've learned is that I now need a printmaking studio since my dining room table and small painting room are not nearly large enough for this process!
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