Natalie Davis
Prior to the two week summer session course, I didn't produce a single piece of art work for 3 months. I'm a high school art teacher and I'm constantly helping my students with their own art work and I find it hard to get away and produce my own work. Not to mention; ALL of my creative juice is sucked out of my body by 3:00pm everyday so the last thing I wanted to do is create art work. The two weeks I spent at UF producing work was extremely therapeutic to me. I feel as if I "got my passion back". I feel more "complete" as a person and as a art educator. I LOVE making art and it is crucial to my existence.
Therefore, my final piece for the course is my interpretation of the 6th sense: LOVE.
Love has many different components to it. I decided to use 4 mini templates and have each mini template describe a feeling that I have experienced from LOVE. (1st image below)The top left plate is: Frustration. Top right plate is: Bliss. Bottom left plate is: Passion and the bottom right plate is: Confusion.
This is a 11X14 template.
I have used tin foil, tape, gauze, joint compound and plastic.
I used a black flat (with texture) as the initial base
Setting up my 4 color plates to register on top of the black flat.I have used tin foil, tape, gauze, joint compound and plastic.
I used a black flat (with texture) as the initial base
The end result was created by taking my 4 color plates outside and running over the template with my car.... LOL hey, how else to you create a "at-home printing press".
The work stands on its own. Great. Also, I love hearing about the process and your thinking. Ideas with the art. It takes the work deeper.