Welcome! This blog site is dedicated to your summer printmaking course, "A Sense of Place." Here you will find the syllabus, online printmaking resources, links, and documentation throughout the course.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Sandra,
    could you help me get invited to this page please. I cant get in touch with bob and am wondering how I can get to post. I was never sent an invitation to either email. Do you know how to get in touch with Lindsy or Bob? if you could send me a message to rmcclell@mail.usf.edu i would love that.

    I hope all is well, I had a great time getting to know you over the two weeks. Class was awsome. Im hoping I can figure out how to get intouch with Bob or Lindsay to get invited. No invitation to web mail or my gmail which is the one posted earlier.
